Dissertation Editing and Proofreading

Dissertation editing and proofreading services offered by experienced dissertation writers and editors.

Editing is the key to successful writing

It is imperative for you as a dissertation candidate to edit your own work to the utmost of your ability. But after that, a professional academic editor can still improve on it enormously. A dissertation that has been professionally edited contains far less mistakes and is more coherent. The language, referencing, layout, and all the formalities will be correctly done to satisfy the requirements of your institution . After editing, the work will make a professional impression, and consequently stand out from the crowd. That means you can score higher marks.

Dissertation Editing and Proofreading Professionals

Dissertation Services Zimbabwe’s editors are seasoned dissertation writers who are familiar with the requirements and expectations of examiners in different institutions. Furthermore their ability to interpret the dissertation guidelines has been developed through years of working with such guidelines. They will:

  • Ensure that all heading levels, captions and paragraph styles are correct and consistent with your institution’s standards throughout the dissertation
  • Ascertain that the table of contents is complete, consistent and matches the actual headings and page numbers which are in the document
  • Make sure that the spelling in the entire document is consistent and correct
  • Check the entire document for grammatical errors
  • Make sure that punctuation is correctly used throughout the document
  • Check and rectify the formatting of numbers and units of measure
  • Check graphs and tables in the dissertation for both the layout and totals
  • Ensure that totals are presented in the same way everywhere they are given
  • Check the list of abbreviations against the abbreviations in the text
  • Check and correct references and cross-references
  • Check the list of references for conformity with the institution’s requirements and also for consistency and style
  • Ensure that all references in the text appear in the list of references


Most importantly, Dissertation Services Zimbabwe’s editors check the logical consistency and flow of your dissertation. The ideas, research and evidence in your dissertation may all be good but, unless you get them across effectively to your reader, your dissertation will not get a mark which reflects your hard work.

All editing work is done with track changes in Microsoft Word switched on, so you can see and accept every improvement made to your dissertation. A good editor will nearly always have questions about your dissertation. Dissertation Services Zimbabwe’s editors insert them as as comments in the edited document.

After the editing is done, the dissertation is then returned to you for your approval. Any changes or additions that you make as a result of the editor’s questions and suggestions can, upon request, also be checked.

All this adds up to the same work, but transformed to give a better impression. Good editing can make the difference between a passing and failing dissertation, and a good solid dissertation and a masterpiece. If you want the highest possible mark for your work, if your home language is not English, or if formal academic writing is not your strength, professional editing is the way to go.

Dissertation Services Zimbabwe’s editors can improve just about anything, but note that they work with what you submit to us; they will not add or remove any discipline-related content to or from the work! When you submit your work to Dissertation Services Zimbabwe for editing you are assured of professional and ethical service.

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